The intense desire to be free. Everyone feels this atleast once when they are in extreme pain but to feel it even when you are happy, that is Mumukshutva. In Hindu religion, we believe in the cycles of life and death, the cycles of sadness and happiness, the emotional turmoils of the lifetime. Desiring to be free from them is Mumukshutva. It is the highest desire to have and it drives me to a great extent.
What is it that you desire? Fame? Position? Money? You cannot carry these things beyond one life. No matter how rich or famous you are, you still have to die one day. What will you get by achieving this? Creating more enemies, competition, jealousy! Increase your greed and do not settle for anything but the highest.
If this was your last week on this planet, how would you spend it? If it was your last day? Last Hour? Last Breath? Wake up!! We are all going to die. Cherish every moment as if its your last. Your children will be fighting over all the money you collected when you die. Is that the goal? Only things you can carry over when you die are your deeds (they determine your next life, so be careful 😉) and the Sadhana(spiritual practices).
Siddhartha Gotama understood this after seeing the different stages of the human life and death, the ultimate reality. He was so sharp to grasp it before going through it himself. Only a highly intelligent person can learn from the life of others. It needs a very sharp mind to actually understand the impermanence of the worldly possessions. Understanding this, Buddha started his journey in meditation and uplifting humanity. Drop the body before the body drops you! Experience merging into the infinite before actually dying. Be remembered for your good deeds, smiles you spread rather than how much you earned.
We get the glimpse of the other world on two occasions, the birth of a child and the death of someone close. When a child is born, a new soul takes a bodily form and arrives, brings so much happiness and wonder! Similarly when someone dies, a vacuum is left and the intelligent ones start questioning life at least then. In the situation today when humanity is suffering, people are dying and suffering all around, at least now wake up!
Soul is immortal, cannot be created nor destroyed. But the final goal of every soul is emancipation, merging in the one source, the infinity. I feel so lucky to have a Guru to guide me through this journey, to handhold me to achieve my goal. Whatever little knowledge I have today is only because of Him. Someone who has the knowledge of both the worlds to answer all my doubts in this journey.
Asangoham punah punah! Let go again and again till you have nothing left to let go 😇 Be free. Remember how it felt after the last exam got over in school/college? When that temporary freedom felt so good, just imagine how it will be after the last exam of life, the final freedom from all bondages😍