Life Fundas

Sanjivani Patil
4 min readNov 15, 2020


Summarising all the great philosophies and discussions between me and my paltan:

  1. The time when you feel you desperately need someone to talk to, is the time you should be alone and analyse your own thoughts to understand what is wrong. Slowly but definitely you will know how to fix it without anyone’s help.
  2. Go at your own pace. Never compare your journey with others, your experiences and situations did not match and so can’t your journeys. Success CAN happen overnight(with or sometimes even without years of hardwork) when the time is right, stars are aligned :P
  3. Keep learning and growing. Compete with yourself, have annual/monthly/weekly/daily goals for betterment, can be in any aspect but very important to have these, keeps you sane.
  4. It is human tendency to doubt the positive, not the negative. We generally doubt the goodness in people, are they really as good as they project? Or if someone says something good to us, we start thinking what do they want from us? But if someone says something bad, we generally immediately believe it and same holds true for some bad quality in others too, we tend to label it as permanent and trust it immediately. My dear, everything in this world keeps changing, you have yourself changed so much. We are meant to evolve!
  5. Never succumb to any sort of addiction to get over tougher times or you might end up putting much more energy and resources to get over that addiction. Stop the what about me, why me and go out and help someone lesser fortunate, that can help you in ways which no addiction ever can.
  6. Always command and never demand respect. Struggle to keep your words. Your committments, your statements should have a value, a weight. Strive to be trustworthy. Walk your talk and you will command respect.
  7. If you are working for a company, do what is best for the company! Never make decisions based on personal ego and relations. Be professional, as they say. And yes, please have a life outside work, don’t die working at your desk :D
  8. Marry only if the presence of a person is a good addition to your life, not for any other reason. Never marry because there is any sort of dependency. Be self sufficient first.
  9. Why is it that if a girl loves her husband she is labelled a good wife but if a guy loves and supports his wife, he is teased as ‘Joru ka Ghulam’(bad thing), such hypocrisy.
  10. Avoid applying too much brains in the matters of the heart. Life can be very easy, don’t introduce unnecessary struggles, complications and negativities! Go by your instincts :) Worse comes worse you will have a learning but atleast no regrets!
  11. The only people who you can take for granted in this whole wide world are your parents. Their’s is the only selfless love that can tolerate it. Do it with anyone, I repeat, anyone else and you might end up with an unwanted regret.
  12. If you don’t respect yourself, don’t expect others to respect you. Yes there is no space for ego in relations, but know the difference between ego and self respect to begin with.
  13. You can totally live without the person who can live without you. Whatever time was spent together was spent by both the parties, if they can be without you, why can’t you? It is only as big as you make it.
  14. They may be the king/queen of the world, great with others but what matters is how they treat You! Never ever be with someone who doesn’t see your worth or demeans you. As much as possible and in your hands, always surround yourself with people who make you feel happy and good about yourself :)
  15. Breaking News! There is something called as destiny! Universe does conspire to get two people together if it is meant to be and if not, no matter what you do, it ain’t gonna work. If it is too difficult or if there are too many hiccups, take the hint that the Universe is giving you, it is probably for the best. The sooner you accept it and get moving, the lesser will be the “pain” :P And if it is “meant to be”, it might find its way back to you.
  16. No one can ever influence anyone to do something against their will. The person getting influenced generally wants what he/she is being influenced for at some level.
  17. Girls tend to move on more completely after breakups than guys. A girl generally gives her 100% in the relation and can move on without any regrets after a break up. As soon as she is with someone else, (Puff!) the past is gone for her. But guys, generally, never get over a breakup completely. It is much more difficult for them to let go as they never give their 100% while in the relation and tend to cling onto regrets later.
  18. And my fav one ‘Life upgrades’. We have different levels in life. First we are given a family, mom, dad, siblings, relatives to adjust to. Once you finally learn to live with them, there comes the next level, some life partner and their family to adjust and live with. Once you get used to that, comes the next level, kids, adjust to whole other generation and be responsible for them and so on. The main goal why life introduces so many different individuals to you is to teach you ‘Acceptance’.
  19. For God’s sake, take control of your life. Your decisions should never be based on other’s opinions because at the end of the day you have to live by them. Have opinions of your own, have faith in your own judgement. You can take advice of those who matter but have a say (the final say) of your own too :)
  20. Always remember Death. What if you were to die today? Just think on that and you might know what actually matters for you.

To be continued as life continues …. :D



Sanjivani Patil
Sanjivani Patil

Written by Sanjivani Patil

Inspired by the teachings of my Guru :)

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